Next meeting date

Next meeting date:

is Monday, December 16 at 12:30

Monday, May 20, 2019

A good time was had by all

May 15th was another fun get-together for our DEAR group.

Shirley, Warren, Marcia, Joan, Rosemary, Barbara, (Roberta), Bruce

The next one is set for Wednesday, June 19th at 12: 30 at Dooney's and we look forward to seeing you there.

It seems we've suddenly jumped right into the hot summer temperatures.

Stay cool and hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, take care and be well!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Lots of retirees!

I had the pleasure of dining with some of our DEAR friends at Dooney's in late April (hooray for tax season being over! :-)

Rosina, Jean, Marcia, Kathryn, Ron, Rosina, Shirley, Barbara (not pictured, Bruce and me)
More photos

and....some of our Millbridge friends and former colleagues at Seasons52 in Cherry Hill on May 3rd.

Yvonne, Donna, Sarah, Roberta, Anell, Bobbie, Jean, Judy, Doreen, Karen, Jennie, Darby
I am so happy to be able to keep in touch with you all!

Did you know I have a ton of old photos and albums on a Facebook group site? It's called Everything I Know I Learned in Fifth Grade.